My unique skill and passion are working with startups and small businesses to help them implement OKRs and improve the chances of long-term OKR adoption. 

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Unique Needs

Startups and small businesses have very specific needs that are different from larger organizations.  Smaller companies don’t need a fully integrated HR solution or complicated alignment software platforms with hundreds of bells and whistles. 

When you are implementing OKRs into your company, you are subtly redefining the culture of your company so the implementation must NOT be complicated. When introducing OKRs to your team, less complicated equals improved chances of long-term adoption.

OKRs – Simple Implementation

My focus is on working with my clients to make implementation simple, improve OKR long-term adoption, and help organizations in the following four areas: 

-      Defining key corporate objectives

-      Introducing OKRs to the workforce and leadership-defined objectives

-      Working with employees to create individual OKRs that align with corporate OKRs

-      Developing a structure around OKRs that reinforce and help assure long-term adoption

OKR Implementation For Every Budget

Startups and smaller businesses have different budgets from larger organizations. I have an affordable OKR implementation methodology that will allow just about any organization, no matter what their budget, to hire me to assist in OKR implementation.  Every company should be able to find a coach to help them in this process, no matter their budget. 

I believe the OKR methodology is one of the most effective frameworks for both startups and small businesses to assist with long-term growth.  I am passionate about watching startups and small businesses achieve success.  Working with smaller organizations to achieve success is what I love to do. 

Paul Benevich


If your company is serious about growth and or improved profitability, then please reach out to me.

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